Thursday, October 11, 2012

Huntington October 9th, 2012


On Tuesday morning we had our route in Huntington NY. It’s closer to the city than Smithtown is, but still a ways out on LI. We all hung out in a conference room of the Huntington Library. The bad part of the day was that it rained, anywhere from a drizzle, to a rain. The cook packed us a lunch of sandwiches, chips and cookies. The other bad thing is that the room we hung out in had mold, or something, but my allergies did not like that room. I was sneezing, coughing and so congested I could hardly breathe. Ok so I was really trying to play off that the morning did not start off well, I would rather write about the positive than the negative. But it wasn’t a good morning. Plus my allergies, and the rain. Missy was testing me. Not following commands and I had to be mean. Well perhaps not mean but firm with her. In the conference room, I decided to do obedience with Missy, but when I did the off leash recall from across the room, one of the students in my class, who has a habit of doing this, was not holding on to her leash. So of course her dog took off for me too. She went off on me, saying it’s not the right place for obedience, blah blah blah blah blah. I was upset. So I just went back to my table. And I’ll admit it made me cry. It wasn’t just that particular thing, but the whole morning. My hubby cheered me up *smile* Like I said this student has a habit of not holding on to her leash, has been yelled at by the instructors for this very thing. She later apologized. I could have been more assertive about it, but it was just one of those mornings I wanted to stay in bed and cry and sleep.


I didn’t go out on my walk until 11:30am, and didn’t get back until 1 or so. The walk itself went well. There were lots of obstacles and lots of people out. It rained on me, and it was cold. When I got back to the conference room, I ate lunch, and other students went back for a second walk. It had to be at least 3 miles I walked. We even stopped in a drug store for a soda and Kleenex.


We did get back to the campus fairly early. We were told that on this night we would have our night walk. So dinner went as normal. And then we loaded up the bus at 7. The night walk would take place on the Horseshoe route. We had eon this route several times, in both directions. There were several instructors out. We were told that we would be on this for our own. They would be around if we needed help, and to stop, put ours dogs on a sit stay and wait. They also gave us bling bling blinkers for our harnesses. They are just little bubble looking things that clip to the harness and blink. So we got out there, and it was not raining like it had been forecasted. We could choose the way we wanted to go, I went counter clockwise. It had rained earlier in the day, so we had some obstacles to deal with. I started out and thought to myself, wow its dark. Eventually other students passed me going the other direction. At one point I stopped to take my rain coat off, because it was hot walking. Shortly after that I thought I was lost, so I kept on thinking, should I stop and get help, no I should just keep on going, I can do this, we can work this out. The thing I had to concentrate on more than the guide work is the balance stuff. There were lots of leaves on the ground, and the sidewalk was very slippery. I used my support cane, but it was hard. My pup slows down for the cracks in the sidewalk, for broken up sidewalk, and for unevenness in the sidewalk. She is super about that balance stuff. But by the time I got back to the bus I was exhausted. And of course all of the other students finished before I do. Several students went around more than once. And when I got to the bus, the director of training was there too.


The highlight of my day was that the instructors had their weekly or bi-monthly meeting. It was decided that everyone, including me would go home either Sunday or Monday. Two students are being driven home on Monday. Two go home by plane on Monday. 4 students are local on LI. One is in GA. And I will go home when my family comes up to Celebration Sunday. The reason for us being able to go home early is that we all progressed very quickly. And for me because I have had a guide and only need a bit more work, which can take place in my home area. *happy dance* I am so ready to be in my own bed, in my own home, with my hubby. For all the students and professors out there reading, I won’t be in class until October 18th. Once I get home, the Monday I return I will be on the campus of my university, going through a trial run, working through any issues. I’ll need to do some work in my home area, and getting on the train and stations. Plus I just need a day.


So the countdown begins….5 nights and counting….


Until next time….


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